In this entry, it's not just one man behind a cruel murder, but two women instead. Celeste Beard (on the top) and Tracey Tarlton (on the bottom). Celeste was a very conniving and manipulative woman and Tracey was more of a neurotic, suicidal woman with a drug and alcohol addiction. Tracey had a mental break down in the book store that she had owned, and because of that, that is what placed her in the St. Davidson's Pavilion Mental Facility where she met soon to be lover Celeste. Celeste was married to Steve Beard. A very wealthy man. Celeste was sent to the mental facility, because she threatened to commit suicide once her husband was going to take away her credit cards because of her bad spending habit. For example, Steve Beard had a net worth of $12 million and only after a year of marriage with Celeste she had already spent $1 million of it. Tracey and Celeste hit it off when they first met each other, and the beginning of their affair led to the plotting of the death of Steve Beard.
People may not consider Celeste being guilty of the murder of her husband, but in all actuality she is just as guilty as Tracey. When Celeste continually told Tracey that her husband was abusive and how badly she wanted out of the marriage she was "forced" to stay into, Tracey didn't have a problem with going along with any plan Celeste may had came up with, because Tracey wanted to marry Celeste, and found Steve as an obstacle anyway. So they went to extent of crushing 10 ecstasy tablets over his food and tried to overdose him with sleeping pills, and throughout both attempts, Steve survived. Finally growing impatient, Celeste decided the best way to kill him was by shooting him. It was perfect for Tracey, because Tracey already had a 20-gauge engraved shot gun that she had received as a gift. One morning Steve woke up finding himself frantic at the sight of his intestines splattered out on his stomach. Tracey had sneaked into his room in the middle of the night and shot him. Steve had lived through the hospitalization process, but only to die four days later after his release. When Tracey was placed into prison, she refused to bring up the fact that Celeste had anything to do with it, until one day in her cell she was reading the newspaper and saw that her lover Celeste had just gotten re-married. After realizing that she had only been used, Tracey spoke up to the prosecutors explaining the real story; because of that Celeste was sent to prison for 40 years along with the help of two witnesses. Celeste's two twin daughters.
On the other hand, I'm not surprised that Celeste was able to convince Tracey into killing Steve Beard. Especially how conniving and manipulatve she was. Celeste found Tracey to be the perfect candidate to do her dirty work, because she had seen that Tracey was dependent, emotionally unstable, and in a sense naive when it came to love, so because Celeste realized that she knew she would have Tracey wrapped around her finger. Because Celeste and Tracey's relationship was so publicly displayed, Tracey fell gullible to Celeste's lies. Once Celeste was arrested, not surprisingly she denied everything, denied ever being intimate with Tracey and that she had nothing to do with the murder, but when her daughters approached the bench they admitted that their mother did have a relationship with Tracey, and that Celeste did want Steve dead. Celeste would often make comments around the house like, "Why won't he die already!?". And so because of what she did, this is why Celeste Beard was a very conniving manipulative woman who had no regard for remorse. Her only main focus in life was money, and she was going to do whatever she had to do to get it, even if it meant killing her husband.
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