Henry Lee Lucas is considered to be more sadistic and sexually deviant than the other killers I have mentioned so far. Like The Hillside Strangler Kenneth Bianchi, Lucas was neglected through out his childhood. Growing up in Virginia in a destitute home, his mother was a very negligent, abusive woman who's job was prostitution, and because of that, that is what developed Lucas into the vile, immoral, sadistic man that he had become. He became a sex addict, because at an early age his mother would sexually abuse him, and often make him watch her as she "performed tricks" with men as a prostitute. But because of the violent actions his mother would act upon him also made Lucas a violent person. Yet what made him violent even more is having an uncle who taught him how to kill "unfortunate" animals. However, that was not what really turned him into a violent sex crazed man. What it was, was that his Uncle told him to kill these "unfortunate" animals after they have been sexually abused. Giving Lucas a pleasurable satisfaction to have sex with even dead things, and enjoy it. Turning him necromantic. I say that because this is something he said himself, "Sex is one of my down falls. I get sex any way I can get it. If I have to force somebody to do it I do, I rape them; I've done that. I've killed animals to have sex with them, and I've had sex while they were alive."(carpenoctem.com) Being a person of extremely violent behavior lead him to his first murder. Viola Lucas. His mother. He claimed to have blacked out during a fight with her, and when he regained consciousness, he said he had seen that she was bleeding and he had a knife in his hand. I don't find this to be true, because after he killed her he said he had sex with her dead body. So if he blacked out, he couldn't have raped her corpse and recalled if he couldn't even remember that he killed her first. After a prolonged period of time Lucas started claiming more and more victims he had brutally raped and murdered. It started with 11 then ended at 300. Lucas was a very ill-minded individual who's motivations were definitely considered out of the norm. He is was I would call a true sadist.
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