Charles Ng (image on the left) and Leonard Lake (image on the right) were partners in the deaths of 25 people at the property of Lakes ranch in Calvaeras County, CA. Ng and Lake met while serving in the military, but they were only there for a brief period of time because Ng was honorably discharged for theft after getting caught for stealing weapons, and Lake was discharged for mental illness. In this entry, like the other people I have spoke about, I will be explaining how Ng and Lake were sadistic sexual predators and what it was that made them that. I will also be explaining how Ng was responsible for the deaths of these innocent victims just as much as Lake was, and also what it was that started this whole escapade. Was there more of a significant reason why they acted out these wretched actions? Or simply because they did it for self gratification? These will be the questions I will hope to answer by the end of this segment.
Ng's lawyers tried to convince to the jury that Ng was not an accomplice to these murders, but instead he was a victim himself, and that he was forced to help dispose of bodies that was found all around Lakes ranch. Bodies that have been mutilated and charred, also sliced body parts in, around, and under the cabin. Ng being a victim was far from the truth because of the simple fact that before he stood in front the jury, Ng admitted to killing a family of eleven. Six men, three women, and two baby boys. After admitting to those killings, Ng still tried to plead his innocents. Ng was fully comprehensible of the murders and was not a victim, but a killer. The jury was convinced of that because after seeing the pictures Ng drew in his cell, pictures that only would've been able to been drawn by someone who was intimately involved in the murders proved that Ng was indeed involved. Also, not only were these men sick, but they were a bit moronic as well. Lake and Ng would video tape their victims. In the videos showed that Ng was voluntarily a part of these crimes, it showed how Ng would brutally torture, rape and murder these people. After the court witnessed that video tape, Ng received the death sentence, which made him the only Asian man on death row.
"The bunker will provide a facility for my sexual fantasies. It will provide physical security for myself and my passions. It will protect me from nuclear fall out"--Operation Miranda.
This is what Lake had in mind. Lake believed that there was going to be a nuclear fallout and living in this cabin in Calaveras would protect him from it. Here would be where he kept women as sex slaves, so after the fall out he could re-populate the world. This was his plan he called Operation Miranda. Even though these killings were Lakes idea, Lake never received his sentence. The day they got busted the officer found a .22 revolver and a silencer gun in the back seat of a stolen missing persons car that Lake was driving. The missing person was a victim of Lakes. After they arrested Lake, they took him into a questioning room. Lake asked for a cup of water, and when they returned with it, Lake swallowed a cyanide pill which left him brain dead for a few days, then later killed him. While keeping these women captive, Lake would get into there heads, making them think they had a chance even though they didn't, Lake would tell them, "While you're here we'll keep you busy, you'll wash for us, you'll clean for us, you'll have sex for us. It's not to much of a choice unless you've got a death wish. If you don't go along with us, we we'll probably take you into the bed, tie you down, rape you, shoot you, and bury you." That was a lie, because after Lake and Ng had became satisfied and grew bored with the woman, they would kill her anyways. When police arrived at the property, they found a hidden chamber that had a bed, plastic toilet, and a 1 way mirror so Ng and Lake could watch her, but when she looked in the mirror she only saw herself. Lake had it all planned out, but evidently not well enough.
What makes Ng and Lake sadistic is because they gained self gratification from watching these women suffer. When Ng and Lake tied these women up, they found it to be more about fun and games. Being able to watch these women being miserable and petrified of not knowing what was going to happen to them next was a something that made them continue to do it. It was pleasurable to them. Tying these women down to the bed, brutally raping them gave them a sense of power, a sense of control that they couldn't get enough of. They were clearly pitiless remorseless individuals, because after treating these women as ruthless as they did, they would still kill them. Without a drop of feeling of remorse. Since Lake committed suicide before he could be sentenced, I cannot say he deserved what he got, but if he lived through it and received the same punishment as Ng, then I would say he did. Since Ng is the only man left standing, he is one of the few notorious murderers known to us today, along with his accomplice Leonard Lake. Because of how they went along with these murders is what makes them worth talking about. Not only did they shoot their victims, but them taking the time out to dismember them and bury them added more to the reason why they are who they are today.
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