Charles Manson is also considerably one of the most evil deranged people infamous to history today. He was manipulative, paranoid and also seen as a "killer who didn't kill". He had a strong belief that the black man would rise up, take power, and kill the white man. That being the beginning of an Armageddon he would preach onto his followers, later calling this racial war Armageddon Helter Skelter (a song written by the Beatles). Manson was also viewed as the killer who didn't kill. A contradiction right? He killed without killing by having a group of his followers murder five people under his instructions. It is left a controversial question. Is he accountable for the five victims in the Tate murder? Or is he not, because it wasn't technically his hands that killed.
Moreover, many of people may believe that Charles Manson was just a crazy man who began a cult, but isn't really responsible for the deaths of Wojech (Voyteck) Fryowski, Sharon Tate, Steve Parent, Jay Sebring, and Abigail Foldger. In some peoples point of view they may believe that his group of followers were not forced to commit these malicious acts, that they did it on their own will, so why is Manson to blame? Because Manson was fully knowledgeable of the situation. They were told to do so by their lord, god, or Satan, as they would often adress him. He was the man behind the scene, the puppet master directing every move these murderers acted out, pulling on their every string. So by doing so, he is also accountable for these murderes along with his followers.
In addition, Manson was very manipulative as well. Manson in a sense had a paticular guide he had set out that he would follow that would help to start build this sinister cult. He was very attentive and specific with certain kind of women he would approach. Manson would look for mentally unstable, emotionally troubled, rebellious young girls. Succeding at getting these young girls under his mind control, he would give them LSD, anpehtamines, and seduce them to influence and bring his beliefs onto them. He suceeded. In 1969 he had a group of four women he called The Manson Family. These women he formed were so evil and remorseless. During the murder, Sharon Tate begged one of the girls to spare the life of her and the life of her unborn 8month old baby. The girl replied back, "Bitch, I have no mercy for you". Then viciously stabbed Tate 16 times then smeared the word "pig" on the door with her blood. Manson was indeed a paranoid manipulative killer. By influencing/manipulating these girls to perform these heinous acts, he is just as guilty for the deaths as his family is.
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